Communications Management Central Coast
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Hazardous Materials Registries

If you are a business, you have specific duties under the model WHS Regulations to manage the risks to health and safety associated with using, handling, generating and storing hazardous chemicals at a workplace. These include:
  • Ensuring correct labelling of containers and pipework, using warning placards and displaying safety signs.
  • Maintaining a register and manifest (where required) of hazardous chemicals and notifying the regulator if you store manifest quantities of hazardous chemicals.
  • Identifying any risk of physical or chemical reaction of hazardous chemicals and ensuring their stability.
  • Ensuring workplace exposure standards for hazardous chemicals are not exceeded.
  • Providing information, training, instruction and supervision to workers.
  • Providing a spill containment system for hazardous chemicals if necessary.
  • Obtaining the current SDS from the manufacturer, importer or supplier of the chemical.
  • Controlling ignition sources and accumulation of flammable and combustible substances.
  • Providing fire protection equipment, firefighting equipment and emergency and safety equipment.
At Techmar with over 25 years in the construction industry we have a lot of experience in the assessment of onsite chemicals and ensuring that the work place emergency management system has sufficient and accurate information to be able to manage these chemicals in time of an incident. We will maintain your registers and safety data sheets to ensure your workforce has all the information at hand at a time of need.